Hello, I mentioned previously that I won an essay contest to go to the march for life in Washington, D.C. and I will say that I had an amazing time! On the flight home I had three hours of basically nothing to do. At first I was sitting next to a complete stranger and I put in my headphones (that were only allowed to be used if we were not sitting next to someone in our group) and tuned out and fell asleep. Then once in the air, after my first nap of the flight, my good friend Aniya kindly asked if the guy would mind switching seats with her. He didn't seem to mind since he was only listening to music anyway so we got to sit next to each other for the rest of the flight. There was however about 2 full minuets that I had all three chairs to myself...Anyway since it was late at night and both Aniya and I were tired we listed to music on my phone (yes I guess we technically broke the rules but I am pretty sure Mrs. Laux would understand :) ). So again we were just listening to music and I was kind of bored so I started typing on my phone all that I could think of that we did on the trip and it goes a little like this...
I am currently on the airplane from Washington DC to DFW airport. It is 8pm Dallas time and we will not land for about an hour(and yes
several of use calculated it...don't judge we are all very tired...). All of us from the Youth for Life Fort Worth Diocese will defiantly has some awesome memories. We flew into Washington DC last Sunday morning. Then Sunday evening we went an toured the national monuments. It was awesome! We took monument selfies and group selfies and monument selfies....(it was our thing...).
A very bad selfie with the Lincoln monument |
Then went to the hotel for hot coco and cookies. We went up to our rooms (four to a room) and unpacked and pulled out our layers for the next day.
Monday morning we bundled up and got on the metro and went to the replica of the holy lands. When we got there we ate our sack lunches and walked around the gift shop. I got something for everyone in my family. Then we went on a tour of the monastery. Lauren her boyfriend Josh and her friends Anna Marie and Janeth met up with us and went on the tour. It was a really beautiful church and catacombs. Laurens friends are really funny. Janeth even climbed into one of the bunk bed thingies and I got a picture.
Janeth in the bunk bed catacomb replica |
And Annamarie was very excited about everything! It was really nice to get to meet them :). After the tour they went to the gift shop and we started to leave then Lauren texted me and asked me to come get something from her for the family. She got us a little pope Francis statue. It is really cute! After we went to the poor Clair's convent for adoration. Then we walked a long way back to the metro. We took the metro to the back of the White House and took lots of pictures.
Group selfie behind the White House. |
Some of us were standing on a curb thing next to the fence of the white house and I got pushed onto the boys in front of me. After a million and one selfies and pictures we went to pray at planned parenthood. When we got there there was one other group and they were praying the rosary so we joined in with them. After they left we prayed the chaplet of divine mercy and the started another rosary. By the end of our rosary there were at least five other groups there. We were lined up all of the way down the street!!! It was soooooo amazing!!!
This is not even everyone! |
Then we went back to the hotel and had dinner night prayer and games. On Tuesday it snowed!!! It was fluffy and cold and awesome!!
We went to the natural history museum and the air and space museum and met up with Kathleen!!!! We hung out and semi caught up for about an hour and a half.
Group selfie with Kathleen :) |
Then we went to the basilica for mass. We sat on the floor to the side of the alter it was a good 45min profession of seminarians, Deacons, priests, bishops, arch bishops, and cardinals. Then we had the most normal mass you could with those standards. Mass started at 6:30pm and ended at 9:30ish pm.
Laying on the floor of the Basilica |
Then we met up with Bishop-Elect Olson (for Fort Worth) and took pictures and talked to him and I got a selfie with him:) !!!!!!
Then we went back to the hotel and to bed. And today we got up at 7am and packed and made lunches then went to the youth rally/mass and then to the march for life.
Youth rally (only what was directly in front of me I was really close to the front) |
There was still snow on the ground and it was really windy and cold. We marched for a few hours and my feet from and got stepped on.
I got just a few of the many people there in a picture. |
Before we started marching we met up with everyone from the Fort Worth diocese and Totus Tuus (our homeschool youth group) plus some surrounded Zowey like she was the president just to keep warm. I also bought a march for life T-shirt. After the march we went back to the hotel to get our luggage and eat some snacks then we left for the air port on the metro. Then we waited and ate dinner then got on the plane. We are going to land soon (hopefully) it is 8:35pm now.
After we landed there was a good sized crowed of parents and siblings waiting for us. After saying hi to them and giving hugs we went around and of course took more pictures and selfies as if we had forgotten to take them on the trip :). It was a truly amazing trip and I cannot wait until I can go next year! (But hopefully it will be in rejoicing that abortion has ended instead of the reminder that it will be 2 years since Roe Vs. Wade.).
-Your Pro-Life Teen Blogger :)