Friday, October 10, 2014

Penguins that are purple?

What kind of nation world do we live in that children, whether male or female, must be referred to as purple penguins by their educators?  The educators of young children in Nebraska cannot say, "boys and girls" or, "ladies and gentlemen" because it might offend them? These are 5 to 18 year olds we are talking about! They are minors by law, they cannot medicate themselves, fly on airplanes, buy permanent markers and the list goes on. A few things that they (we) can do get abortions on our own and choose what gender we are with out parental permission. By the way can someone please fill me in on how I can one day be a teenage girl and the next a teenage guy? I think (yes actually think) that while we are not always happy being the gender that we are, for whatever hard and uncomfortable things that we may have to go through as humans, just imagine how much harder and more uncomfortable it would be to switch all of the hormones in your body for that of the opposite gender? 

Now back to the article that I read, it says that educators should "stop referring to students by “gendered expressions” such as “boys and girls,” and use “gender inclusive” ones such as “purple penguins” instead." The document that the article talks about says that instead of having the children line up as boys and girls to "suggest[s] asking them to line up by whether they prefer “skateboards or bikes/milk or juice/dogs or cats/summer or winter/talking or listening.”" Really? I guess that everything that I learned along with everything that my parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so on learned is just a bunch of baloney, sorry but if that offended baloney then that right there should prove to you how messed up this world is.  

"If teachers still find it “necessary” to mention that genders exist at all, the document states, they must list them as “boy, girl, both or neither.”"

Wait, now there is no such thing as gender? Well I guess that if we don't know what gender we are and if we can switch genders whenever and however we want then why even have genders to begin with?  And since we, as a nation no longer recognize gender then we should probably inform the children purple penguins, who are the next generation, that they cannot refer to each other as he, she, her, him or their possessions as his or hers right? Furthermore, it instructs teachers to interfere and interrupt if they ever hear a student talking about gender in terms of “boys and girls” so the student can learn that this is wrong. “ “Point out and inquire when you hear others referencing gender in a binary manner,” it states. “Ask things like . . . ‘What makes you say that? I think of it a little differently.’ Provide counter-narratives that challenge students to think more expansively about their notions of gender.”
In that case all arguments that are made by men are the same as all arguments made by women on any topic including abortion, or is that just to logical?